A proper porting of Lucene

Hi all,

I'm quite finishing the porting (a *proper* one) of the Apache Jakarta project Lucene. I optimized the IO management and refactored most of the code, making the syntax C#-compliant. By small benchmarks, the performances are better and the code lines are reduced. Furthermore, the parsers and lexers are created by the MinosseCC (a porting of JavaCC), thing that gives the oportunity to extend the grammars provided with the original Lucene.
I want to release the port project under APL and would like it to be 
hosted and mantained: I have no time for the development of the code. I 
decided porting the project for commercial pourposes (needed to index 
millions of data entries), being the previous port of Lucene (dotLucene) 
not so good-looking and a little slow (for my needings).
In the future, I would like to embed part of the code of this project 
(in a redux subset) within my project Minosse RDBMS 
(http://www.minosse.com): because of this reason, I would like it to be 
mantained and developed during the time.

Thanks for the attenction.

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