Re: [Deskbar] Deskbar Applet 2.16 will not feature NewStuffManager

On 8/7/06, Nigel Tao <nigel tao gnome gmail com> wrote:
FYI'ing y'all to say that the previously mentioned NewStuffManager
will not be part of the upcoming deskbar-applet 2.16.  Also,
deskbar-applet no longer depends on elementtree, which was added as a
dependency during the 2.15 development cycle.

However, I hope to see the NSM code back in development soon after
2.16 is released.  For those who want a head-start, I saved the bits I
cut out and attached it to

So I waded into CVS and cut out a big chunk of stuff.  It works for
me, in the last couple of hours for which I've banged on it, but I
could have easily broken something.  Oh, and you might want to make a
backup before you cvs update.  Yes, version control should give you
backups for free, but a manual backup could also be handy.

Happy hacking.  :-)

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