Re: Help accessibility [Was: New look of the yelp TOC for review]

Jeff Waugh wrote:

<quote who="Calum Benson">

There's also an accessibility issue with the use of black text on a grey
background, but I guess that's part of the wider problem we talked about
before (and never really solved, IIRC) about how to provide accessible
stylesheets to Yelp for people who need them.


I spoke to Mikael at GUADEC about doing the Yelp stuff in a similar style to
the new website (as our documentation can be built into the website layout
and design quite simply now), but I'd like more info on the accessibility
requirements beyond the usual sane colours and W3C stuff.

Do you guys have any documentation I can read so that I can make sexy *and*
accessible stylesheets?

Is the W3C page Ankh was advertising at guadec of any use?


Email: james daa com au

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