Re: A Violent Realisation [Was: Preferences]

mån 2002-04-29 klockan 13.41 skrev Dick Porter:


> Unlike commercial projects where $$$ buy developers, and committees can
> decide where to pitch the UI, a free software project such as GNOME relies
> on getting the hackers interested otherwise development wont happen.  And
> hackers are in general the type of people that like to fiddle with things.

Most hackers (like normal people) would probably better like a solution
where you don't have to fiddle to get your work done. 
> By all means make GNOME usable for the newbies, but please dont make it
> alienate the more experienced Unix users and other hackers.

What is happening is that options that most people doesn't know about or
care about is being moved entirely into GConf and not visualized in the
UI. The hackers will know they can find these extra options in GConf (by
for example using gconf-editor) and can thus tweak there desktop as they

So it's really a good solution for both sides, it's easy enough to use
for less experienced users. It's easier to find the settings that most
people care to set in the UI without having to search through loads of
settings most people don't care about. *And* the rest can be set through
gconf-editor which is very easy to use.

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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