Re: Preferences [Was: a whole lot of other things, too]

<quote who="Rui Miguel Silva Seabra">

> The world is not black and white.
> man gcc, count the options.

Wholly irrelevant.

> I'm not one either, but I know the difference between being confused with
> too many options in a row and feeling stuck with too few options.

You have lots of options available! It seems you don't have the interface to
them that you'd like.

The idea of the 'crackpipe' control panel came up a long time ago: a place
to configure all the crazy cool-kids settings that we're not going to
inflict on users happy to use the sensible settings and interface provided
by default.

  *** READ! ->

  Whoever writes this small app is going to have a groovy little project on
  their hands, and lots of people willing to suggest and help out with cool
  features and options to add.

  *** <- READ!

So, would you like to be that person? You could even create a 'crackpipe'
keyword in bugzilla, and file ideas away for whoever decides to write this
in the future.

These are far more productive tasks than distracting everyone from the main
aim of releasing a usable, maintainable desktop environment RSN.

- Jeff

   "It's actually my new bandwidth conservation technique: compresion of    
                     al double leters." - Telsa Gwynne                      

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