Re: the fate of control-center-plus

On 21Jan2002 03:49PM (-0600), Richard Hestilow wrote:
> So, there are so few capplets left nowadays in control-center-plus that
> I am very tempted to re-merge the modules. The old rationale was partly
> that they were all crap capplets that were a bitch to maintain, but now
> that theme-switcher and file-types are rewritten I don't think that's
> too much of a reason any more. They should stay in "Advanced" but I
> think dependency-wise it's easier to move the three capplets (and the
> assorted "desktop-links" for sawfish, etc) back into g-c-c proper. I
> would be willing to do the non-cvs surgery part of the merging work, but
> I would need someone with the proper rights to do the surgery itself.

Why is theme switching considered "advanced"? Customizing appearance
is one of the most basic user preferences there is, isn't it?

 - Maciej

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