Re: panel prelight on focus

Calum Benson <calum benson sun com> writes:

> Damien Sandras wrote:
> > For me it happens all the time once the mouse is over the panel. I don't
> > think that this behavior is very convenient and I don't think it is
> > really an usability improvement.
> As I just said on gnome-accessibility-list, I agree-- this doesn't sound
> right to me.  I think the panel should only show focus when it actually
> *has* focus, although this would be inconsistent with other widgets'
> prelight behaviour (which I guess is why the panel prelight was
> implemented this way).

Well, the problem is that right now the panel is acting like a normal window
with respect to focus, so it is getting focus via the window managers
"sloppy focus" mechanism.

Probably the panel needs to be changed so that it marks itself with the
appropriate ICCCM focus mode (globally active, most likely) and handles
focusing itself, itself.

If we want to make the panel not focus when you click on launchers or
on tasklist buttons, it basically needs to be done this way. However,
that means that it won't be in the window manager tab chain, so we
need some other method of focusing the panel from the keyboard.


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