nautilus root menu

Hello there,

  I think that having "Use Default Background" and "Change Desktop
Background" is a little unecessary.

  I suggest using:
   |(...)                    |
   |Change Desktop Background| --> desktop background capplet
   |Change Preferences       | --> launch window on 'preferences:'

  * the old first option should be directly accessed through the old
    second option. It is not, currently, but it should be.

  * Enven though this could be said as well of the new layout, changing
    the background seems (IMHO) something more frequent than changing
    desktop settings, thus being relevant to maintain.

  * The second option (maybe the label could/should change) seems like a
    natural contextual option...

I think that this change is a Good Thing. Although the number of choices
doesn't decrease, it gives a direct access to changing preferences, but
probably there's no time for it in 2.0.0... but it's not really so
important, so there's no stress. If the change can still get in, cool,
if not, for 2.0.1.

Hugs, rms

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?

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