Re: The Panel needs simplification

On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 09:41, MArk Finlay wrote:
> 1. Remove the idea of Panel Types and just have one panel with
> intelligent behavior and a few more options.

This would be cool, but it seems difficult to distinguish between an
edge panel and a sliding or corner panel with only mouse movements.
Obviously floating would be "easy".

> 2. Turn the menu panel into a normal panel with the menu applet.

This is being done for 2.2 AFAIK.

> 3. Add a Preferences menu with desktop preferences and system tools.

I don't think this will fly very well because we want a nice default
desktop. We don't want people to feel the need to tweek their settings.
I think the people you're finding on the User's board are atypical of
those GNOME is trying to target (the business workstation).


Steve Fox

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