Re: metacity, vte

Rodney Dawes <dobey free fr> writes:
> In my experience with these two projects, there are many things missing
> from them. In vte for example, the AA text makes it much harder to read
> than when using zvt, due to the crappy hinting in vte, or maybe just the
> colors, but it's very hard to read. (no, it's not a font issue, Andale
> Mono is a damn good font, thank you). 

It is possible to disable AA for just Andale Mono in
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf. Also if you use any of the bitmap fonts you can
currently choose in Zvt, you will not get AA in VTE, as bitmap fonts
aren't AA. Stuff like "fixed" and "lucidatypewriter" won't get AA
rendering as they are bitmap fonts.

The libzvt-based gnome-terminal doesn't even have a working font

> Hopefully, I'll have time soon to go through the billion metacity
> bugs in bugzilla, and find the ones I care about, and report more,
> if they haven't been already. 

Oh trust me, they have been. ;-)

>However, despite metacity not being ready for prime time use, it's
>being put there anyway, so it doesn't matter what it lacks right now,
>because it will have to go in at some point.

Don't assume this, I have no intention of adding the stuff you may
mean. If there's a problem in behavior, the philosophy is that I need
a patch that fixes it for almost everyone - that means the problem has
to be fixed without having to toggle a preference.  Preferences should
be adding a choice where people have different preferences, they
should not be adding bugfixes. You've heard the rant before.

If people aren't comfortable with that, then we should not move GNOME
to metacity, I'll keep it as an optional feature used by some OS's and


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