Re: REMINDER: GEP-2 discussion end date

On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 20:42, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> Having toplevel items called Background and Fonts is a major step
> forward; if you decide to change your background, you look at
> Preferences->Background. You want to organize things by thinking of
> what someone is trying to do and what word they will then look for.
> The old font setting in "Theme Selector" was impossible to find
> and a major source of problems.
> Havoc

Personally I think an "Appearance" toplevel from Preferences makes
sense, if we were to do something like dobey suggests.  Otherwise I
think  "Desktop Theme" (as in the previous incarnation of 'metathemer')
is fine, but we have two problems:

* having multiple things called "Theme" can breed confusion;
* I don't know a clean way to have both a general-purpose "Appearance"
capplet _and_ "toplevels" (i.e. capplets) that occur underneath it.

er, what I mean is, an item in our menu structure is either a rollover
menu or a node.

This suggests that we either have to make our "meta" appearance capplet
a "sibling" of the other ones (confusing), or subsume the specific ones
inside a single capplet (which it sounds like Havoc doesn't like).

Personally I would favor moving "Desktop Preferences" up a level in the
foobar, maybe calling it "Settings" (since "Desktop" has been criticized
for being confusing to users with Mac backgrounds).

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