Re: that darned accessibility capplet

Earl Johnson said:
> So "enable keyboard
> accessibility" was added to let the user who didn't need
> AccessX features prevent the system from turning on a feature
> inadvertantly from the keyboard (e.g. it prevents 5 taps on the
> Shift key from invoking StickyKeys).

Then shouldn't this feature be labeled something like:

[ ] Allow keyboard accessibility features to be turned on and off with
obscure key sequences

Granted, it's a long label, but I had *no idea* that's what that box was
for until you just explained it.  

In addition, might impaired users also enjoy playing games?  If your
hands shake too much to use the mouse, you can still play Doom, no? 
Wouldn't such a user be *more* likely to accidentally turn off their
accessibility features?

The dialog option is OK, but generally run-once dialogs are A Bad Thing,
as they leave the user not knowing how to get it back when they need it


email:erik pukinskis uconn edu

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