For the 70% that hates the GNOME-direction (was Awesome new Mozilla roadmap!)

Rafal Hajdacki wrote:
> So I am happy with current GNOME
> direction. There many things to do but direction fits my view of
> desktop.
> I don't think I would like to use a cell phone with communication geek
> toys exposed to the user. Would you?
This is basically a "me too"-posting, but it might have some additional
value. Look for the dragons below.

I am still trying to find out who those 70% Ali is referring to are. I
know I love the newfound simplicity and focused direction in GNOME
currently. I've seen quite a few support postings. After reading a small
bit of his ranting about pkgconfig, I'm thinking the people Ali is
referring to is not possible to satisfy no matter what is done if they are
anything like himself. Just ignoring them is the best option, and it seems
most developers are already doing that.

If Ali hates this direction I think he should just stick with KDE. Does
all projects have to go in the same direction? If so, what is the point of
having different projects to begin with?

What Ali does not understand is that unless you present your objections in
a reasonable and sane matter without insulting the developers, they ARE
going to ignore you, and more ranting will not help you recapture their

HERE THERE BE A POINT (or dragons):
If 70% of all users hate the new direction of GNOME, there have to at
least be some capable developers amongst them. My suggestion is:

FORK GNOME and be done with it. If the figures of 70% is correct, it
should have no problems overtaking the official GNOME-tree.

This is basically a challenge to Ali (or oGALAXYo if you like). Come on,
fork GNOME and leave us alone, you know you want to. The license for GNOME
makes all this possible. Go on, nobody is stopping you.


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