Re: GNOME Development Series Addition

On Sat, Apr 12, 2003 at 06:02:37PM +0100, Ross Burton wrote: 
> I never agreed with you on this, until of course I installed RH8 on my
> work desktop.
> Oh My God, too many control panels!

Welcome to reality. ;-) 

> I think adding an entry into stock GNOME isn't the same as adding an
> entry into RH -- you already seriously move around the menus so we
> should not look at RH GNOME when deciding how to arrange the menus.

I don't agree that we seriously move around the menus, the toplevel
categories are the same, except that System Settings has been added.
But GNOME upstream needs to have an answer to how System Settings
should be done.

> I notice that more people in this thread think that what RH ships is
> stock GNOME (specifically mentioning Prefs -> Display, which is RH
> specific).
> People developing GNOME should at least have the ability to run stock

Sure, but people developing GNOME should also be looking at how GNOME
will fit in to a complete OS. If GNOME plus "a way to configure your 
color depth" comes out badly, then GNOME has a problem.

GNOME could include a way to configure your color depth, but then
GNOME has the same questions to answer that I do for Red Hat -> and
we're back to this thread.

So in any case, GNOME needs to answer this question of how to present
systemwide vs. personal settings.


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