Re: Sanity Adding Apps to the Desktop

> So, rather than scrambling to rush and decide issues like
> gaim vs gossip
> galeon vs epiphany
> gst-player vs totem
> we should see where things are going if we are worried about making the 
> right choice for the future.
> When I first tried galeon more than a year ago I thought it was God's gift 
> to browsing.  I still think it is, but I've tried epiphany as well and it 
> seems to be more gnome-y.  Which will win my and ours fancy in the next 
> year ? Who knows.  It doesn't seem like something we should decide *right 
> now* however.

I think galeon/epiphany choice is a different issues. Galeon2 (ephy is
based on it ...) has been started a while ago, it's quite mature and has
been already included in a distribution.

In the gaim/gossip case the problem is that one of these projects is
just too recent to be able to make a decision now.
In the totem case the issue is to add a dependecy that in some way
overlap a gnome library.
For Galeon/Epiphany it's just matter to decide between two products
already in an advanced stage of the development. They are very likely to
have a good quality in time for the release, they have both clear
targets and a clear direction.
GNOME need a browser now and there are two. Ihmo we should just decide
which product and which team is more likely to reach GNOME goals.
Make it part of the desktop is going to help a lot to work in the
direction of these goals.


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