Re: XRandR integration patch

On 18 Apr 2003, Mark wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 18:34, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > Here is a first cut at a XRandR integration patch. The UI needs some 
> > polish, but it seems to work well. The control-center patch adds a capplet 
> > for setting the resolution and refresh rate. The gnome-session patch reads 
> > the settings and sets the resolution on login.
> Are we going to add rotation support also or is that too crack for
> the cc? I wouldn't use it much myself but i recall someone saying it
> is really useful for tablet pcs. 
> If we're going to add support to gnome-session it may as well be for
> everything, even if rotate support is only in gconf.

I think it makes little sense in th cc ui. However I think you're right 
that the gnome-session code should support it.
> Also, I can't check the gnome-session patch, it does resize before the
> splash screen is drawn, right?

> > I also want to add a launcher for the capplet from the nautilus desktop 
> > context menu.
> Would it be possible to merge it with the background capplet or would
> that be too confusing?

I personally think it would mostly be confusing.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a genetically engineered moralistic romance novelist for the 21st 
century. She's a ditzy motormouth stripper with an incredible destiny. They 
fight crime! 

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