Re: 2.4 Proposed Modules - 2 weeks left

>Or perhaps neither; especially if the accessibility work in Mozilla
>doesn't make it into the gecko plugin in time and it doesn't get
>connected to the galeon/epiphany UI,

I think including galeon or epiphany in the planned modules for 2.4 would
incourage the Sun guys to work on it. Probably if Galeon was already part
of GNOME, they would not have ignored the problem of embedding applications
when writing that code in first instance.
I really dont think it's much work ... the hard part has already been done
I guess that if modules doesnt meet accessibility requirements, they can
be removed later in the release process.

>or if the new Mozilla roadmap stuff
>will make a big difference later on.

What difference could the mozilla roadmap make ? I think it's pretty clear
that the suggested way to build an integrated browser is to use their embedding
And I think it's clear Phoenix people are not interested to follow Gnome
Did we write it for nothing ? The browser is a key part of desktop, it would
be ridicoulous if it would not follow our guidelines.

>Maybe it's too soon to bundle a
>specific browser...

Can you elaborate on the reasons ?
(The only reason I see in your mail is the accessibility work on gtkmozembed.)

I dont think we should delay the solution of serious usability problems.
As I see it not make a call about a native browser for GNOME (or for better
for the Linux desktop) we risk to:
- Discourage people that are very actively working on these projects
- Not incourage Sun people to get the accessibility work done
- Keep growing a desktop without a key part of it (and have to deal with
integration issues later).

While the worst risk of making a call now, would be to delay the actual
inclusion a bit, to get the accessibility work done. But IHMO that's just
matter of interest, it doesnt appear like a particularly long or difficult

I think there is a concensus that GNOME need a native browser. Let's start
to work on it.

Anyway, I'll try to make this one my last mail on the issue, I hate to advertise
my work.
The community need to make a call. I'll do my best to convince you with
code, rather then with words ;)


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