Re: 2.3 Proposed Features

<quote who="Gregory Leblanc">

> > > No, GNOME 2.6 would depend on GTK 2.4.
> > 
> > Then we'll also have a Gnome 2.8 which will depend on gtk2.4. Are there
> > any plans to release gtk2.6? We'd have Gnome 2.10 ;-)
> Err, no, not necessarily.  GNOME 2.8 could very easily depend on GTK+ 2.6,
> depending on the timeframe for GTK+.

Guys, version-voodoo doesn't matter. GNOME should not, to a great extent,
care what's going on in GTK+ release land.

With 2.0, we had a very hard dependency on the GTK+ development cycle (we
actually needed something stable to code to). With 2.2, we had a fairly
strong dependency on GTK+ 2.2 (for multihead support and fontconfig/Xft2).

We should attempt to avoid these dependencies -> if it means we lose out on
a new file selector for a couple of months, so be it. A new version of GTK+
is going to be backwards compatible anyway, so stable GNOME users will get
the GTK+-level benefits anyway.

We're unhandcuffing ourselves from the loveboat. :-)

- Jeff

   "She sped into the parking lot, the door flew open and there she was,    
   dressed only in a black bathing suit and sunglasses. I got in and she    
     reversed straight into another car. Classic Carine." - Stephen Gan     

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