Re: How this all works... [was Re: 2.4 Proposed Modules - 2 weeks left]

<quote who="Luis Villa">

> This would make the process slightly more unweildy (bad) but reduce the
> appearance and the actuality of the release team basically making
> decisions for the rest of GNOME unilaterally (good.)
> Does anyone have other suggestions? Does anyone care?

I think that, as long as major proposals (specifically noted as proposals,
not decisions) are posted with adequate time for complaint and/or feedback,
and the release team is understood to be involving maintainers and project
leads [1], then the process is public and accountable enough.

I'm fairly comfortable that we've done that very well in previous releases
(2.0 being a panic-stations exception to the rule, but I feel we did make
the best calls possible regardless), and we haven't received any strong
complaints that we're not representing a consensus.

Need to involve project leads more directly. Other than that, we're doing
OK. Would anyone like to scream at this point? :-)

- Jeff

[1] This is definitely something that we need to work on. To date, we've
essentially assumed that project leads are 'in the know' about what's going
on on d-d-l.

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
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