Re: Major change in desktop handling


Let me see if we can push through this...

Certainly ~/Desktop is a better solution than ~/.gnome-desktop...  no
one is arguing against that.  I personally love having $HOME as my
desktop, but there can be a compromise.  As long as we keep a Gconf key
that let's you use $HOME as desktop I'm fine with ~/Desktop being the

A lot of this seems to deal with interop...  which personally doesn't
effect me or a lot of others on here.  I only use Gnome, have since
pre-1.0...  I don't even have Qt installed on my system.  I don't care
what other desktops do, it doesn't effect me.  But I do understand that
it effects others.  So, we can allow distro's to pick the default and
the advanced user to pick their own.  The Gnome-only end user distro(s)
that MArk and I have discussed could easily set the Gconf key by default
and delete the ~/Desktop directory without causing problems.

Is that a reasonable compromise?


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