Re: $HOME as desktop

On Fri, 16 May 2003, Owen Taylor wrote:
> I really hesitate to jump in here, but I think it's worth stating
> clearly why $HOME as desktop isn't an option:

I think these threads are so long because the issue is somewhat circular.
It seems to start that ~/.gnome-desktop isn't good because of something
with the file selector not finding it, then $HOME isn't good because their
are files in it that the user doesn't create, then people settle on
~/Desktop, because users can see it (which also seems to be why some
people don't like it).

Then someone says you can add `cd ~/Desktop' somewhere in the session
scripts to make it appear as the default directory for the file selector?
If this is the case, why not just put `cd ~/.gnome-desktop' somewhere in
the session scripts and `ln -sf ~/.gnome-desktop ~/Desktop' by default so
that people who don't want it can just delete it, and you really don't
have to change so much (though I guess the change has been made, it

Robert McMeekin (viper)
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