Re: 2.4 New Accessibility Features

<quote who="Bill Haneman">

> It's been brought to our attention that some of these features, even
> though they are intended for existing CVS modules, might need to be called
> out in their own right in GEP-11.  Since we took the "new modules" list
> rather literally, despite having previously mentioned these features
> on-list we didn't worry about the fact that they didn't turn up in GEP-11.

The new features don't have to be dealt with through the GEP 'proposed
modules' process, but they do need to be accepted by the maintainer of the
module, checked in and released by the feature freeze date, *preferably*
before (so they can get adequate testing -> we've had bad experiences with
new features getting in right on the deadline).

  Example: gnome-panel's new feature is a near complete rewrite. That's
  checked in and very well tested long before the feature freeze date, so
  there's no problem.

If we get beyond the feature freeze date and you say, "I want to check in
this new engine theme", we would say "No thanks, that will have to wait
until GNOME 2.6".

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
   "I look forward to someday putting foo-colored ribbons on my homepage
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