Re: State of the X clipboard, and perhaps a solution

On Fri, 2004-04-23 at 09:16 -0500, Jerry Haltom wrote:
> It also means that an application is not allowed to crash if it owns the
> clipboard, and in fact, that it must ignore SIGTERM/SIGINT/etc, since
> the naive user most likely doesn't understand that killing the
> application would result in the clipboard data going away.

What sends SIGTERM? The window manager certainly doesn't. If the user
purposely kills a locked process, I don't think we HAVE to preserve the

if a user closes an application, I don't think we HAVE to preserve the clipboard selection either :-)

A locked process hanging in the background is definitely a consideration
however. Currently, if a process locks up, and it has a window, metacity
can know this and volunteer to terminate the process for you. In the
scenario I proposed, the application is no longer visible.

However, is it not possible, and in fact a good idea, for metacity (or
gnome-session, or another program), to monitor the state of the

this is not a good idea. a window manager has no business doing this.

Now, I don't mean request the data. Simply watch who owns the
clipboard, and if that process stops responding after a bit offer to
kill it?

again, the window manager has no business doing this.


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