Re: Follow up about X clipboard

Though I do not know much about this subject, I wanted to make some
comments which I felt were fairly obvious, but I havn't seen mentioned.

> 1. Non-deterministic shutdown of applications is confusing.

> 2. Non-deterministic shutdown leaves possibly broken applications
> running with no option in the GUI to terminate them.

Isn't this how Bonobo works as well? In fact, from my understanding, if
you close, say, the last gpdf window, it should stick around in case you
open another one in a second. It should die off only after a short

So, while it is true that this is something that would be nice to fix in
the way mentioned, it doesn't seem to be so critical in the case of
Bonobo so I don't see it being critical here.

> 3. Some applications are big. It makes no sense to keep them running in
> the background forever.

I would like to 'expand' a bit on your idea for notification icons. What
could be useful is something similar to what is present in MSOffice in
terms of clipboard management. You can have a Clipboard Manager
application that presents the current clipboard, allows you to save the
clipboard data to a file, discard it, and (I don't know if this is
possible) save some older snippets of clipboard, or move them around,
and so forth.

To see what I mean, take a look at the following images ripped from
Google, notice that I don't mean a clipboard-daemon but something to do
a more advanced clipboard management without 'caching' the data but by
leaving the instances of the applications open:
not MSOffice, but something similar:

I hope I made a little sense,
Daniel Brodie

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