Re: netapplet Gentoo Patch.

Ruben Vermeersch wrote:
ifup/ifdown is pretty useless on Gentoo since every device has it's own
bootscript, so ifup eth0 becomes /etc/init.d/net.eth0 start

either way, fantastic work, keep it up!

Regards, Ruben
Hey all.

I just recently did the same Gentoo port myself -- but I got a chance to finish. :) The best that I have been able to tell, it's fully functional. It works great here @ school with 5/6 networks available.
The diff is available here:

Here's a screenshot of it in action:

I'm also working with some other guys here in our lab to get a Fedora port done. Afterward we're going to start taking a look at common functionality we can start to pull out to make a generic infastructure for all distros -- most likely the mention earlier of a set of scripts that each distro needs to implement.
Ideally it'd be nice to use the gnome-system-tools infastructure, but I 
don't know the infastructure at all or if it can support something like 
Lemme know if there are any problems with this one.  Many kudos to 
Matthew Garret again -- I'm glad Debian is so close to how Gentoo does 
things. :)
--Mike Chavoustie

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