[PATCH] RFC: New zoom mode for backgrounds

The patches I've added to the following bug add a new "Zoom" mode for


This mode enlarges the image so as to cover desktop while maintaining
the aspect ratio by chopping either the top and bottom or left and
right edges. I.e. you're zooming the image to fill the screen.

I've primarily done this for my widescreen laptop where stretched mode
("Fill Screen") makes 4:3 images look bad, but it would be useful for
any images that don't match the aspect ration of your monitor.

There are four patches for control-center, nautilus, eel and
gnome-user-docs plus a new stock image.  Patches are against Gnome
2.8.1 (approximately) but the code touched is fairly static. I can
update for CVS if need be.

Nothing intrusive and the new functions added to the eel library,
eel_gdk_scale_to_min_factor() and eel_gdk_pixbuf_scale_to_min(),
are self explanatory.

Coded and tested this weekend, then on Sunday I see that Rodney
Dawes blogged about checking background bugs the day before. I
wasn't sure if he'd done that yet or not, hence this post.

PS Regarding the user documentation - "relative dimensions" - are
we talking about Doctor Who or something? :-) Using "aspect ratio"
would be far better English and users are be more aware of the
phrase (from buying new widescreen TV's).


"One must never be purposelessnessnesslessness."

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