Re: Common sense

Chipzz wrote:

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Bill Haneman wrote:

1 release names should avoid words and phrases that are:
  * likely to start a flamewar
This is very arbitrary. For example when mentioned to certain fanatic
KDE users, the word GNOME may start a flamewar. And no, I'm not bashing
KDE here, I'm merely pointing out that some users are very immature a-
bout some things (and yes there are that kind of users in the GNOME camp

So who is to decide what should be considered flamebait?

Whoever chooses a release name.  My proposal is not about "rules"
but guidelines, and the word "likely" is deliberately vague.

We won't get it right every time but the whole business is just a
reminder to think before naming, the above is just "stuff to think about".

If we really need "rules" then we are sunk (i.e. how to administer,
adjudicate, etc. etc.), the only answer would be to avoid release names
altogether as some have suggested.

- Bill


Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

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