GStreamer + Plugins 0.7.6 (Release Candidates for 0.8)

Hi everyone,

Just released 0.7.6 of both GStreamer core and plugins.  These are
considered to be release candidates for the final 0.8.0 release
scheduled before next monday.

Please give these your utmost testing attention.  To shake out the last
bugs, the major/minor version has been set to 0.8, and library
versioning reset due to the library name change.

If you use GStreamer in your application, make sure you check for 0.8
GNOME programs have been fixed in CVS to do this last weekend.

Attached are the release notes for both modules.

A release of gst-ffmpeg will soon follow.


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GStreamer: Release notes for GStreamer 0.7.6 "Almost"

The GStreamer team is happy to announce a new release in the
0.7.x development series of the GStreamer streaming-media framework.
The goal of this release series is to stabilize towards a 0.8
release series which will be part of the GNOME 2.6 releases
and hopefully eventually KDE 4.x. 

0.7.6 is a Release Candidate for GStreamer 0.8.0
It is released to shake out the last bugs that might be still present
due to major/minor number differences.

The 0.7 series is a development series and is aimed at developers.
It is NOT API or ABI compatible with the stable 0.6.x series or
with other releases in the series.  This means you can not use this
release to upgrade your current GStreamer installation and expect your
GStreamer applications to keep working without a recompile.
It is, however, parallel installable with the 0.6.x series.

Features of this release
      * uses 0.8 as the major/minor number
      * opt scheduler fixes
      * don't link non-versioned tools to gstreamer
      * bindings-related fixes and additions


You find source releases of gstreamer in the download directory:

GStreamer Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use GNOME's bugzilla for bug reports and feature requests:


CVS is hosted on
All code is in CVS and can be checked out from there.
Interested developers of the core library, plug-ins, and applications should
subscribe to the gstreamer-devel list. If there is sufficient interest we
will create more lists as necessary.


Applications are supposed to update their pkg-config checks for GStreamer,
and start checking for 0.8 as the major/minor number.

Contributors to this release
      * Christian Schaller
      * Thomas Vander Stichele
      * David Schleef
      * Johan Dahlin
      * Benjamin Otte
      * Christophe Fergeau
      * Andy Wingo
      * Ronald Bultje
      * Jan Schmidt
GStreamer: Release notes for GStreamer Plugins 0.7.6 "There"

The GStreamer team is happy to announce a new release in the
0.7.x development series of the GStreamer Plugins.
The goal of this release series is to stabilize towards a 0.8
release series which will be part of the GNOME 2.6 releases
and hopefully eventually KDE 4.x. 

0.7.6 is a Release Candidate for GStreamer Plugins 0.8.0
It is released to shake out the last bugs that might be still present
due to major/minor number differences.

The 0.7 series is a development series and is aimed at developers.
It is NOT API or ABI compatible with the stable 0.6.x series or
with other releases in the series.  This means you can not use this
release to upgrade your current GStreamer installation and expect your
GStreamer applications to keep working without a recompile.
It is, however, parallel installable with the 0.6.x series.

Features of this release
      * uses 0.8 as the major/minor number
      * dist fixes for generated files
      * MPEG video playback fixed
      * error call fixes
      * videodrop fixes
      * alsa oss emulation mixer fixes
      * audioconvert fixes
      * gconf versioning fixes
      * mad xing header fixes
      * vorbisdec fixes
      * mad leak and stream reporting fixes
      * media-info fixed
      * buffer leak fixes
      * osssink timing fixes
      * NAS fixes
      * cdparanoia error

Bugs fixed in this release
      * 114560 : rfc2250enc produces empty buffers
      * 122279 : goom's first timestamp is broken
      * 131128 : aasink and sdlvideosink are broken
      * 133541 : int2float and int2floatnew conflict should be resolved
      * 133783 : remove deprecated plugins
      * 135597 : make gstosselement properly deal with symlinks
      * 136334 : udpsrc pads / caps error


You find source releases of gstreamer in the download directory:

GStreamer Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use GNOME's bugzilla for bug reports and feature requests:


CVS is hosted on
All code is in CVS and can be checked out from there.
Interested developers of the core library, plug-ins, and applications should
subscribe to the gstreamer-devel list. If there is sufficient interest we
will create more lists as necessary.


Applications are supposed to update their pkg-config checks for GStreamer,
and start checking for 0.8 as the major/minor number.

Contributors to this release
      * David Schleef
      * Benjamin Otte
      * Ronald Bultje
      * Thomas Vander Stichele
      * Christophe Fergeau
      * Julien Moutte
      * Stefan Kost
      * Christian Schaller

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