GNOME 2.10 module proposal: Galago

Hello everyone.

I'd like to propose Galago for inclusion in GNOME 2.10.

Name: Galago


 Galago is a desktop presence framework, designed to transmit presence
 information between programs. To put it in simpler terms, it takes
 information on who is online and their away/idle states from an
 instant messenger (such as gaim) or other similar programs and lets
 other programs (such as Ximian's Evolution) to make use of it.


Galago consists of a few key modules that must be included: libgalago,
galago-daemon, libgalago-gtk, and eds-feed. Optionally, I would like
gnome-presence-applet (a panel applet for displaying presence
information for selected people).

The first release is not out yet, as I'm finishing up one of the last
features for the release. However, it's pretty stable and usable, and
a release is imminent.

Integration is being developed for Evolution. Gaim integration already
exists in the tree. I'm told other projects, such as Tomboy and
Beagle, may add support as well.

API documentation exists in the form of Doxygen docs for libgalago.
Setup docs also exist. Tutorials will be written after the first release.

Most of Galago consists of services and plugins running in the
background, so accessibility and usability isn't a big problem. The
exception is gnome-presence-applet, which may need some work in a
couple of areas. I have a very small localization team. More help is
needed there as well.



Christian Hammond         <>  The Galago Project
chipx86 gnupdate org      <>
   "I'd love to go out with you, but the man on television told me to stay

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