Re: Moving dot files to ~/.etc

Użytkownik John napisał:
On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 12:02:51PM +0100, Marcin Krzyzanowski wrote:

hardcoded directory is not the best solution.
We at PLD [ ] promote HOME_ETC
[ ] solution.

Maybe support for HOME_ETC can be a good way ?

Short: this is a support for env. HOME_ETC pointed to directory where user want to store configuration data. It may easly supported by small changes in sources, or using this to return directory.
If no HOME_ETC is set, default location should be used.

I like that.  That's a very elegant way to deal with the issue.  Has
anyone at PLD suggested that to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard group?

Thanks for letting me know about that!
John Karcz

I don't know that, however a lot o patches to support HOME_ETC you can find in our CVS at

I belive that Paweł Wilk siefca pld-linux org know more about that.

Marcin Krzyżanowski

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