Re: How we make decisions... [Fwd: Re: Proposal: replacing esound with polypaudio in 2.10]

On Fri, 2004-11-12 at 11:58 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 19:48 -0800, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:
> > I've been watching this thread "Proposal: replacing esound with
> > polypaudio ] and I've grown annoyed by how we as a project make
> > decisions.
> Maintainers are the real authority when it comes to technical decisions.
> Everything else is just discussion.
> So, maybe you should identify the Desktop and Platform maintainers who
> are currently using sound APIs and push them for a decision. I don't
> think we need a definite yes from all of them, but we shouldn't have a
> no from any of them. Just an idea.

Maybe have more clearly defined working groups. So maintainers for
gnome-media, gstreamer and libgnome are all listed in the "Sound Working
Group" and maintainers for panel and applets are in the "Panel and
Friends Working Group". Similar to how Nautilus, EEL and GNOME-VFS kind
of loosely joined.

I'm sure this could easily be achieved with some mailing-list-fu.


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