Re: Browsing deep hierarchies in spatial mode

> What are people's thoughts on this? IMO, this simple improvement could
> improve the GNOME spatial experience immensely. It might even boost
> spatial mode's popularity with the fanatical "Browser mode" sect. 

Personally I like it a lot.  It's not overbearing UI wise (one entry on
the desktop and folder context menus) and probably pretty easy to
implement.  Heck, it could probably be done as an addon of some sort.

I also think it solves some of the problems without destroying what the
core of spatial nautilus is, as would be with the browser mode all the
time that the main devs object to.  I say this is a great feature and
add it to gnome 2.10, or heck, put it in nautilus 2.8.2 (or whatever the
next rev is :)  The beauty is that it's a feature that's very subtle yet
still very useful, unlike the HUGE paradigm shift that occurred between
non-spatial and spatial nautilus.

My $0.02 and vote.


Alan <alan ufies org> -
"Backups are for people who don't pray."                 -- big Mike

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