Re: Polypaudio for Gnome 2.10, the next steps

Yesterday at 23:46, Mike Hearn wrote:

> Might as well get this one out of the way: I don't really consider
> portability a valid reason for using a sound server here. Some problems
> are just best solved outside the desktop level, eg there's no such thing
> as a GNOME filing system or video driver framework because that problem is
> outside the projects domain. I can't shake the feeling sound server type
> functionality is similar.
> Anyway. Anybody willing to show me the error of my ways?

GNOME is standardizing on one "video driver framework" (so to speak,
it's far more than "video driver framework"), and that is a bunch of X
protocols.  Because of that, you don't see GNOME running without X
(though, Gtk+ programs can do that).

With sound servers, the issue is very similar in theory, while it's
different in practice: there's no one single solution that is used by
all the systems Gnome targets.

So, even selecting polypaudio for inclusion in Gnome is not "solving
it on the desktop level": it's just selecting an architecture to
target.  Whether that archicture is ALSA, polypaudio, esound or
whatever is what we're deciding about.


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