Re: Polypaudio for Gnome 2.10, the next steps

> Actually grabbing the audio at the gstreamer layer has the problem that
> only gstreamer apps can do remote audio which would not make the LTSP
> people very happy. 

As opposed to streaming uncompressed audio? That seems like a bad idea
to me...

I think the "software mixing cause" has been hijacked by terminal
services concerns. I could be totally wrong, but I suspect that there
wouldn't be much support for implementing a sound server if all sound
cards had hardware support for mixing. Finding an issue with bigger
public interest to support (and then modify slightly to fit their own
interests) is a common tactic for lobbying groups :-)

I just feel like we should solve the software mixing issue, and if the
best solution for that coincides with a nice solution for terminal
services, all the better, but if it doesn't, that problem can be solved


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