A question regarding the nautilus Computer icon.

Im sorry if I get the technical terms wrong here, but i hope you
understand what i mean anyway.

I think the way nautilus handles the Computer on the desktop is in one
way wrong. If you rightclick and choose properties on the Computer, then
its regarded as a normal file. You get a the normal tabs (rights,
emblems, etc). As for Emblems and Icons, they are not a such big
problem. But the tab about rights? It says that its own by root, and
that i dont have write permission on it. Still i can remove that icon
with gconf etc.  That seems a bit inconsistent. Since, that dont follow
the normal behaviour of files owned by root with those permission. And i
dont think the properties page on that icon should display permissions
etc, anyway. Why not do it more like other OSes do. Show information
about the system, like the amount of ram, Gnome version, and perhaps
information about the distribution. 
And of course the tab about "open with other programs" could not be more
misplaced. What other programs will open that window? The Computer-icon
on the desktop does not refer to an ordinary directory, does it?

And i do think the properties of the stuff inside Computer should be
redesigned as well. 

Sorry if this is not the place to suggest this kind of things. Its one
thing i have thought about before, but never gotten the time to write
down.   Since the trashcan on the desktop lacks some of the tabs in the
properties-window that Computer have, it must be doable in some way.

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