Re: MIME interface suggestions

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro <gjc <at>> writes:

>   Now, a dialog to select which applications appear in the context menu,
> like we used to have, would be nice.  It would be basically to just add
> a toggle column to the MIME tab in the file properties...

This is the best suggestion made here, so application menus can be refined
for the users benefit:

 Application | show in Menu
o gthumb     | [x]
o gqview     | [x]
* eog        | [x]
o display    | [ ]
o gimp       | [x]
o mozilla    | [ ]
o ghex       | [ ]

* default app
show/don't show should be toggle buttons

This shouldn't be hard to implement and is also easy for the user.
Apps which are for every filetype (ghex) should be hidden from the menu
by default.

Good idea Gustavo! What does the developers think? I as user would really
appreciate this!!!


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