Re: Revisiting the Gnome Bindings

Good distros do this. Debian and Fedora can do this.
Debian & Fedora are about 30% of the Linux userbase (roughly). There's a 70% 
more to care for.
Besides, there were many times in my time of using these systems that I 
needed apps, or version of apps, that there were not available in the 
No significant percentage of users will get to stage 5.
I tend to disagree, but that's just me.

Besides, if the user never gets to stage 5 as you claim, the outcome would be *exactly* the same anyway! The user ends up without the app he wanted, the developer ends up without the user, bad news for the Gnome platform at large.
No matter how you look at it, the root of the evil is Gnome not 
communicating the importance of bindings to distro makers (who need some 
guidance regarding the software Gnome offers).

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