Re: Dumping gnome-smproxy in 2.14

On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 15:13 +0100, ghee teo wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>     Do you know any of the major apps such as Mozilla, xterm require 
> gnome-smproxy to even work  for session restoration?

	Incredibly, Mozilla/Firefox doesn't, but xterm does :-)

	That's probably even more reason to drop smproxy, IMHO. Its time to
shame the Mozilla guys into supporting XSMP :-)

	i.e. read:

> >  - This obsolete protocol that we're providing support for was 
> >    deprecated at least a decade ago as far as I can make out. If apps 
> >    haven't migrated to XSMP at this point, its likely they never will. 
> >    So, if we decide now that we must continue to support this 
> >    protocol, I don't see that there'll ever be a time when we can stop 
> >    supporting it.

	If we say "we have to keep smproxy because Mozilla doesn't support
XSMP", when will Mozilla ever bother to support it?

> >  - It really is hard to justify spending any time on dealing with 
> >    smproxy issues. What handful of obsolete apps are we supporting 
> >    here? And to what end?

	Are we wasting all this time supporting smproxy because the Mozilla
people won't waste any time implementing XSMP support?

Good Luck,

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