Re: roadmap status update/update request

Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:
Well the secret to open source success is that the users and developers are the same people.

What really disappoints me is this: When comparing closed source to OSS, people will just say how "open" and "community-friendly" OSS is. When comparing OSS to closed source though, suddenly everything is closed, and developers are "working only to fix only their own needs". Sorry, but plain users just don't fit on the second model. If users respect themselves, they should not use Gnome (as cruel that might sound).
And another thing: some say that "Linux is from developers to 
developers". IMHO, with Gnome is even worse: "Gnome is from developers 
to themselves alone" (according to you). It just doesn't sound right.
I think that perhaps creating a dynamic bounty page

It might work, or it might not. There were two web sites in the past that did that sort of thing (users would pledge money to see a driver or something else get developed), and none of the two really worked. Well, bad luck, most people are using Free Software because it's free, not because it's Free.
The problem is a pledge is not good enough you have to show me the money!

Personally, I would not mind paying $30 per year though. Maybe Gnome 
*should* have a price tag, even if it's Free. Paying $30 per year for 
the DE alone, I think it's a reasonable price to get some sort of user 
support and get the right to send feedback/feature-requests to 
maintainers. How would that fare with the Gnome devs? Would the 
Foundation like the idea and be able to distribute the money accordingly 
if many users pay?
A better way would be to allow voluntary up front contributions but the 
user chooses which bounty to attach it to so popular stuff quickly 
builds up into big bounties (if the foundation decides where the money 
goes then it will fail bacause they tend to spread it out too thinly). 
The money must be held by the foundation and be in a bank accumulating 
interest so the bounties should get bigger with time.
New bounties would need manitainer approval cause theres nothing worse 
then implementing something and then getting it rejected outright.


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