Re: EOG features

On 30 Nov 2005, at 21:40, Lucas Rocha wrote:

I'm having a little dilema about EOG redesign: should EOG be able to
save image changes (rotation) to disk? I tend to say "no" because,
actually, EOG is an image VIEWER (there is GIMP for image editing).

I think the question here is whether you consider rotation a viewing or editing function. I'd say it's certainly as much of one as the other, so I think it's fine to be able to rotate images in EOG, and to save the rotated image with the original filename-- provided you don't just save the image automatically when the user rotates it, as rotation is often lossy, and you don't want to be losing the user's data behind their backs.

My plan is: 1) add an "Open With" "File" menu item to make it easy to
access an image editor; 2) replace "Save"  and "Save as" menu items
with a "Save  copy" one, like Evince; 3) auto-rotate images based on
EXIF data.

Auto-rotation sounds like another good reason to support re-saving the original image... if EOG is going to do some sort of useful 'editing' for me, it seems a shame to spoil it by then having to give the corrected image a different name. I'd vote for just giving the user the option of Save and Save As, like any other document-based app.


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson sun com            Java Desktop System Team             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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