Re: New way to change volume

I thought we had this..?

I rarely if ever touch the pcm control - I only use the volume applet
if I need to adjust my volume levels quickly up or down.  The volume
applet controls the master volume.

Say, I have rhythmbox and totem running, I can adjust the volume
coming out of rhythmbox via its builtin volume control - this doesn't
affect the pcm setting, only rhythmbox output. Same goes for totem -
so I don't see your point, except maybe that you want to add these
app-specific adjusters to the mixer?

I think we already saw alot of cleanup of that dialog. The less is in
there, the better, imho - and with every app doing its own volume
levels, there's absolutely no need either ;)

bah, bedtime

On 10/9/05, Michaël Arnauts <michael arnauts gmail com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  This morning, I woke up, and had a great idea... Now, the volume control is
> used in a way the hardware works, you modify a PCM channel, to modify the
> output of all system sounds (movies, music, other things). I think it would
> be much userfriendlyer if it would work in the way the user works. I will
> give an example:
>  A user is watching a movie in totem, and rhythmbox is running in the
> background. Now, there isn't a difference in the volume control, it would be
> nice if it could contain "Totem" and "Rhythmbox" as channels. And if you
> turn the volume of the "Totem"-channel down, the volume control in totem
> will turn down. That way, all the volumes can be controlled from inside the
> volume control, instead of only the PCM what is a total of all sounds. The
> volume of rhythmbox would be the same, as it is a different channel.
>  Ofcourse, there has to be some "Hardware channels" also, for the MIC and
> LINE-IN. I'm not sure about CD, because that could be done by adjusting the
> volume of the "Sound Juicer" or your favourite audioplayer"-channel.
>  I suck at mockups, but I guess the explenation is pretty clear... Just
> split the PCM into different application-based channels, and name the other
> channels "Hardware channels".
>  If you comment, please add me to the CC list, since i'm not subscribed to
> desktop-devel-list. If desktop-devel-list isn't the best way to put this,
> please tell me where i should put this instead.
>  Thanks,
>  Michaël Arnauts
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