Re: Tomboy in 2.16

Trying to keep the dependencies issue out of it for a moment, here are
some more thoughts, assuming that we are talking about replacing Sticky
Notes with Tomboy.

1. Can we rename Tomboy to Sticky Notes, or at least change the tooltip
to "Notes" rather than "Tomboy Notes", so it is more meaninful to people
who are not in the know?

2. Most enthusiastic Tomboy users have made a conscious decision to
start using it, but most users are going to perceive this as "Sticky
Notes changed hugely, sometimes in arbitrary unnecessary ways, and it
has lost my notes. GNOME hates me. I'm going to slam them on Slashdot
every day for weeks.".

So that they perceive it as "Stick Notes now has formatting and links,
and a toolbar for that. Cool.", can we at least remove the arbitrary
differences, such as:
2.1: Make it look the same: The same colors and window styles?
2.2: Make it sticky (stays on top of windows).
2.3: Try to make the menus the same (though I agree that a left-click
menu is nice to have for a list of notes.)
2.4: Import their existing notes, when first starting, to help people
who upgrade their distros (hence upgrading their GNOME version.)

3. It's probably because I haven't used it much, but I have a slight
fear that linking might not be a feature that most people would use
much, and that it might overcomplicate things. Then again, it doesn't
seem to get in the way if you don't use it. At least for the release
notes, it would be nice to have some example use cases of what a
non-techy person would use it for.
Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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