Re: GStreamer version for 2.14

On 1/18/06, Elijah Newren <newren gmail com> wrote:
> On 1/15/06, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > So, the release team messed up and didn't keep close enough tabs on
> > everything, resulting in discovering an issue pretty late. We need to
> > try to find rough consensus in the community.
> So, here's my understanding of this thread and the alternate one[1]
> (feel free to correct anything I got wrong; I am not an expert in this
> area by any means):
> - There is no good or optimal solution; all choices have multiple
> drawbacks.  :(  We still have to pick one, though.
> - 0.10 is more stable in the doesn't-crash sense, but has a less
> complete set of plugins and thus cannot handle as many formats
> - The regressions that exist from the less complete set of plugins are
> limited to totem
> - these regressions are for formats we can't ship anyway, though they
> do limit  what can be played in totem for those
> non-tree-hugging-lefties[2] who would otherwise be able to just
> download extra plugins.
> - 0.8 has very little development or maintenance effort and has
> unfixable problems due to inherently problematic API (causing various
> crashes, as noted above)
> - 0.8 and 0.10 can be installed simultaneously, though actively
> depending on both is a bigger maintenance load that would probably be
> better spent fixing stuff, and it may also be more annoying to users
> since preference applets only affect settings for one of the two
> versions (granted, this will only affect the users who don't want to
> use the defaults and who are able to understand those dialogs)
> - Those actively working on gstreamer now recommend 0.10, Ronald (who
> has done *huge* amounts of gstreamer work in the past and is
> volunteering to continue to work on 0.8 as his time permits) prefers
> 0.8
> - most distros appear to be moving to 0.10 (JDS, Ubuntu, Fedora;
> Fedora is shipping both versions, but 'gstreamer' is 0.10 while
> there's also a 'gstreamer08')
> - not knowing what we're using is holding up the 2.13.5 release
> So, here's my proposal:
> Ship with 0.10.  Have everything default to it.  Also include 0.8 in
> the ftp directory, but not used.  Include a big old section in the
> release notes explaining the situation and letting people know that
> they can recompile totem or compile a second version of totem against
> 0.8 if they wish.

Okay, so this is now official; Gstreamer 0.10 is the plan for Gnome
2.14.  There's only one minor change to my proposal above, namely that
instead of adding unsed 0.8 tarballs to ftp just refer to them in the
important notice in the release notes about this issue (as suggested
by jdub, federico, and fcrozat).

So, work on the delayed Gnome-2.13.5 release can now proceed.  The
only problem remaining for that release now is that we need an
official gnome-media tarball that uses 0.10 (similar to the one Thomas
pointed to at,
but which doesn't require running some transmogrify bash script +
autogen before getting to the configure stage.  :-)  Ronald, Thomas:
Can one of you make such a tarball for us and get it up on ftp?

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