Re: gtkspell (was Re: Announcing: Project Ridley)

Dominic Lachowicz wrote:
I'm not a Gtk+ developer, but I think one of the criteria for being
considered is: doesn't introduce a new library dependency, or maybe it
can, if it really makes sense. Gtk+ depending on a spell checking
library hardly makes sense, however.

I have to ask - why not? A spelling checker is a part of the Cocoa framework on MacOS X and nobody seems to think this is strange or unusual. I'd say any modern widget toolkit should depend on such a thing.

Enchant has been API/ABI stable for a while now, so I wouldn't mind
proposing it for inclusion to the platform at some future point (or
better still, free desktop).

Chris Hammond's libsexy has a spell checking enabled GtkEntry subclass
that depends on Enchant. It dlopen()'s the .so and looks up the
functions by name rather than linking against it explicitly. If the
module isn't found, spell checking is disabled. This might be
something of a compromise solution, since it gives consumers a soft
dependency on a spell checking lib rather than a hard dependency.

One thing to bear in mind - which we can't do all that much about except curse our UNIX ancestors right now - is that implicitly loading a spelling checker library will on most Linux systems break some C++ applications (heap corruption etc) due to the usual ELF symbol scoping mess.

But I don't think this is an argument for not having it in GTK+, rather it's just some encouragement to the C++ toolchain people to get their act together and worth remembering if you guys go ahead with this. At least, there should be some way to programmatically/environmentally ensure the spelling checker infrastructure is never loaded to ease the pain a bit.

thanks -mike

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