Re: New modules in 2.14

 I propose the following: if there's an API/ABI break after the GNOME
API freeze deadline (which only applies for gnome devel platform
modules, of course), then desktop library maintainers are strongly
advised to notify bindings authors by sending an email to the
language-bindings list.  This should be enough, I think

I think it might be better to notify desktop-devel-list too, since other desktop modules depend on "non platform" ABI as well. This sort of thing broke some a11y functionality some time back too, and it was very late in the game (during the RC phase, IIRC). Fixing it turned out to be nontrivial, so making ABI changes to exported symbols late in the release cycle seems like a problem.

At the time, it was suggested that non-platform modules should also obey API freeze. My suggestion, which was a compromise, was to make "desktop ABI freeze" come somewhat later than the platform ABI freeze, but to have a freeze nonetheless. There's a logic in making such a freeze no later than, feature freeze, since features and external ABIs are sometimes interdependent.


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