Re: Killing the splashscreen for 2.16


On Fri, 14 Jul 2006, Soeren Sandmann wrote:

I would like to turn off the login splashscreen by default, for the
following reasons:

       - login is somewhat faster

       - the 'progress' icons in the splashscreen don't reflect the
         time it actually takes to login.

On my system, the login process is like this:
The splash screen just doesn't serve any purpose. The "progress" it
shows has nothing to do with reality, and the splash screen itself
isn't even visible for more than 25% of the login time.
The times might be much longer for some users -- eg, somebody with an NFS 
home. 36 seconds (from your measurement) is a *long* time to go without 
feedback of any sort. I really wish GDM took care of the UI and made the 
transition to the desktop smooth.
-- Ben

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