Re: On breaking the woohoo barrier...thoughts on how GNOME can get great

2006/7/14, Iain * <iaingnome gmail com>:
On 7/13/06, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
> <quote who="Iain *">
> I have been banging on this drum in the Ubuntu community for a while, but I
> guess I haven't been banging it sufficiently loud in GNOME: Whenever we talk
> about GNOME, we *must* talk first and foremost about benefits, and then back
> it up with the features.

Thats it...someone commented that we need to say "Do cool stuff AND
have support for 52 different languages", but no-one actually cares
that we have support for 52 languages. People only care that we
support one language...theirs.
That was me, and I continued that it probably should be still
separated for users and platform users (distros, app devels etc...).
The point of that comment was that, as noted, we are currently only
promoting the 52 languages and not really the cool stuff.

And you are exactly right that for People, we only should market one
language. The one they want to use.

Kalle Vahlman, zuh iki fi
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