Re: Putting the 'Mono debate' back on the rails

On 7/22/06, Joe Shaw <joeshaw novell com> wrote:
Hi Vincent,

Vincent Untz wrote:
> The API in the bindings suite covers the platform API. This has to be
> clear to ISD/ISV and we don't want to compromise this message. Please
> don't consider Gtk# only, but the platform (with the bindings) as a
> whole.
> It's not about additional guarantees. It might require more work on your
> part (but is it so much more work?), packagers are certainly used to
> such splittings and users won't see a difference 99% of the time.

If Mike were starting from scratch here, this would be great.  But there
are already users of these bindings and breaking them up would
effectively break ABI for existing users.  Gtk# already has its own
stability guarantees.

If those guarantees are more important to you than playing by the rules
of the Gnome Bindings set, than Gtk# may simply be better of staying

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