Re: Putting the 'Mono debate' back on the rails

On Sun, 23 Jul 2006, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:
Miguel wrote: "I would be interested in understanding what the issues of
non-splitting are, from the GNOME point of view."

For one, if in the future Gnome would like to provide an embedded version
(there was some talk about it already), it would be easier to pick and
choose components as seen fit. In a 64 MB firmware you can't  fit
everything, usually... Of course, I don't think that this means that you
need 3 different tarballs instead of 1. As long the selective functionality
is present in your current tarball (via an autoconf option), I don't see why
it should be physically split in different tarballs. But some form of
seperation must exist as the rest of the Gnome is very modular in its
This can be done today. Look at:

and notice how the build *won't* fail if optional stuff isn't there.

Lastly, I believe that having a modular GTK# is better for GTK# itself.
Think about it: a third party embedded company wants to use it, but it
This can be done today!

Please refer to the email I sent yesterday. You can still offer a migration
path to your existing apps and maintain it as long as you see fit or needed.
Not all is lost.
It's already possible to link just to Gtk+.

-- Ben

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