Call For Help: Roll deskbar-applet

As previously mentioned, deskbar-applet doesn't build against e-d-s
HEAD - there is a trivial patch to d-a attached to which looks good to
me (and looks good to others).

However, I am running GNOME 2.14 on my sole computer at the moment (a
laptop with a far-too-small hard disk), and I don't have the bleeding
edge jhbuild built (or have otherwise built e-d-s 2.15.x).
Consequently, I can't make the patched tarball because I can't, er,
make.  So, I would muchly appreciate [1] it if somebody with
appropriate privileges could check out deskbar-applet HEAD (I don't
think it's changed since I rolled 2.15.90 a couple of days ago), apply
the trivial patch mentioned above, update, NEWS and the
ChangeLog, make a tarball, make distcheck, scp the resultant
.tar.gz to and install-module the sucker.  Raphael
(kikidonk) is on vacation (??) until the 29th, and I don't know if the
other deskbar folks have sufficient privileges to make a release, so I
might need a hero to step up right now.

Otherwise, I can have another go at it in the (Australian) morning,
but it would rock if somebody could help out now.

There are simply not enough hours in the day  :-(

[1] I'll buy all applicable people a bunch of beers the next time
GUADEC is in Australia, for example.  :-)

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